The thing no one has ever tried before.
New experimental software training '42 SEOUL'
42 SEOUL has no teaching professors, no set textbooks, no expensive tuition fees, and no degrees.
42 SEOUL is not just a place that teaches simple knowledge.
You will learn how to share your experiences with software, how to cooperate with great colleagues, how to share your experiences for others, and learn your way of learning.
42 SEOUL is where you can grow as the best software developer and grow with your best colleagues.
42 SEOUL go now
What is Codyssey?

Training schedule
Online test
Register for intensive education orientation
Intensive training for a month (Piscine)

a total of 2 years non-degree courses

Educational features
- An educational institute which does not insist on a professor, textbook, and tuition fees. It is a non-degree curriculum which applies the education methods of P2P (Peer to Peer) where trainees learn from each other, and PBL (Project-Based Learning) that learns through projects.
Global 42 SEOUL
Not just us, 42 SEOUL is with the world

- HIVE - Helsinki
- School21 - Moscow
- 42 - Paris
- CODAM - Amsterdam
- 19 - Uccle
- School21 - Kazan
- 42 - Heilbronn
- 42 - Lyon
- 42 - Angoulème
- 42 - Nice
- 42 - Bilbao
- 42 - Madrid
- 42 - Yerevan
- 42 - Roma
- 1337 - Khouribga
- 1337 - Ben Guerir
- 42 - Málaga
- 42 - Amman
- 42 - València
- 42 - Abu Dhabi
- 42 - Barcelona
- 42 - Tokyo
- 42 - Bangkok
- 42 - Kuala Lumpur
- 42 - Adelaide
- 42 - Lisboa
- 42 - Quebec
- 42 - Silicon Valley
- 42 - Rio
- 42 - São Paulo
Not just us.
42 SEOUL is with the world. There are already about 10 in the world, and 20 by 2021.
We were the first to be held in Asia
and if the space is available, it is possible to continue studying in other countries.