We are innovation
Innovation Academy prepares for the future of South Korea with software.
Innovation Academy is an innovative educational institution established by the government agencies to cultivate competitive software talents.

Training excellent software developers
It is difficult to learn software properly in an entrance exam-oriented educational environment. Innovation Academy fosters global-level developers by introducing new innovative training courses.

New software learning system
Innovation Academy is preparing for Codyssey which is an peer learning-based education system that is predictable, continuous, and expandable to various fields.

Vitalizing the developer ecosystem
Providing a platform that connects companies and software talents. The education system of Innovation Academy brings out on-site developers and activates the developer ecosystem.

Innovation Academy
pursues the operation of innovative educational models required in the era
of the 4th industrial revolution by establishing a system in which software education systems
companies, and software developer ecosystems interact.
The right person for Innovation Academy
Anyone who is capable of creativity, critical thinking, coding skill, ability to converge, have spirit in challenge, and have empathy and cooperative skills can become a developer without any experience in coding.

A creative talent with
diverse thinking frames
and ideas based on computing skills.

Critical thinking
A talent with problem-solving ability
nd critical thinking ability
or various problems in the world.

Ability to converge
A talent that is capable of convergence
with expertise
and digital literacy in various fields.

Spirit in challenging
A talent who constantly learns
and challenges with an inquisitive mind
and passion for knowledge.

Empathy and cooperation
A talent who cooperates
with others using global communication skill through listening
and empathy as an intervention.

Codable digital talent
Codable digital talent who fully
understands digital technology and
can control it through coding.

Message from the principal
Innovation Academy was established in 2019 with support of Ministry of Science and ICT to foster digital convergence and future-ready human resources.
Our education system is based on no teaching professors, no set textbooks, no expensive tuition fees, and not even a degree. Students grow by solving phased projects through peer learning and code reviews, building the 6C skills they need for the Digital Tranaformation era.
“Learning how to learn”
The core of education is to experience the process of finding the essence of each project and solving it. Coding is one of tools for it.
Today, we live the world that thinking with software, and living with coding. Enjoy your coding life through becoming software developer by the education of Innovation Academy.